Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Viking Children

This is just a little article that I wrote about viking children in school. Viking children had a very interesting life. The children ate butter, cheese, bread, and smoked fish. The bread was made in a clay oven. The children helped grind the flour in the longhouse using a hand quern. Weddings, funerals, and religious festivals were celebrated with a big feast. Some feasts lasted for weeks!
Their clothes were clothes that an adult didn't need anymore. Their clothes were made from wool and linen. It takes a couple hours to make one piece of cloth. The children took a bath every Saturday. Their transportation was walking and sailing on a boat.
The children didn't go to school. Instead they helped their parents at work. Children became adults at the age of 15 or 16. Young boys were often sent away to live with a foster family for a few years. A girls father usually chooses her future husband.
The children and their families all lived in a longhouse together. The longhouse only has one room. There is a fire in the middle of the room and a hole in the roof to let the smoke out. They cover the top of the roof with a turf to keep the heat in the winter. That was my story, I hope you enjoyed it!

1 comment:

Dee Dee said...

Nice little story there. Now let see some other that you wrote.